What is Page Rank

Page Rank is a term used to describe the ranking of a page from the article on your site. Every article you write will have an impact the relevance of the information contained in other information available on the internet. The relevance is calculated based on several factors such as the relevance of a keyword in the search engine of the information contained in the article, or it could be because of the links from other pages of the same site or linked by other sites.

Every time the value of our sites page rank varies from time to time. This is because as the originator google page-rank algorithm is always to calculate the number of repeated references to our site from day to day. They have enough machines and spread throughout the world who do the page-rank recalculated every day automatically.

What is the importance of Page-Rank?

More popular of our site or the information we publish on our site, more likely attract advertisers to pair ads on our web page, which means is, your site can generate revenues from the value of the page-rank.

For that reason, usually an advertiser before put their ads to our site, they learn a few things one of which is the page-rank. Because they think popularity equal with visitors. More popular, more site visitors, which means the possibility of an ad can be seen / read by other people when visit to our site.

To learn the value of page-rank of our sites, many free tools scattered on the internet that we can use to evaluate the popularity of our site from time to time. Of course, each tool has some advantages and disadvantages. For that, it recomended if you read the page-rank of your site by using more than one tool.

Here is a list of some sites which they provide to check our page-rank value.

  1. prchecker.info
  2. mypagerank.net